SLS News & Event

SLS, Plant a dream of Christian medical people on freshmen!

Love of God that comforts my heart.

SLS Mission department set 'Campus Mission' as a main focus of March.
They are now busy with the preparation for evangelizing freshmen.
They are going to deliver the dream of Jesus Christ and plant the dream as a Christian doctor to the freshmen who are about to start the path of medical worker.

The mission department planed the public relation towards main medical college as a detailed strategy. They are going let the students know about SLS so that people who are interested in SLS could come. Web design department finished making and printing posters and brochures for public relation. The prints will be posted at each medical college, Dentistry College, and nursing college to let the students know about SLS. The web design department explained that the image of SLS and the work of SLS will be effectively presented through this prints.

The strategy of this campus P.R is "Evangelize through Vision"
It is introducing the visions of SLS which are ▲Building 12 base hospital in 2009 ▲Building medical complex in 2010년 ▲Begin hospice work in all nations in the world in 2011▲Building medical university in the third world nations such as Africa. ▲Active movement towards society such as Social volunteer work, publication ▲Expansion of mission.

About the life of prayer, she explained that ▲You need to pray for others as much as you pray for yourself. ▲You need to share the lives each other. ▲When we pray for others, we can have the land of others. ▲When we pray for others we can widen our province ▲When we pray much, we can have spiritual authority

The director of mission department JungMin said "These visions can hold any medical students who have any dream. We hope we can deliver the dream of God to the medical student who lost their dreams, and we hope to comfort them."