SLS News & Event

Redefining the Vision and the Mission of the Saint Luke Society

"Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness." - Matthew 9:35.

Vision Statement: The Saint Luke Society envisions healthcare professionals providing healing in the "spirit" of Christ.

Mission Statement: The Saint Luke Society International exists to provide a forum that encourages healthcare professionals to practice holistic medicine based on excellence, compassion, and innovation.

The Saint Luke Society (SLS) Vision Statement refers to the holistic approach to healing as modeled by Jesus. Healing in the “spirit” of Christ is not limited to addressing physical and emotional illnesses, but also extends to mending our spiritual relationship with God. To this end, teaching and preaching the Good News are foundational to the SLS Medical Ministry. Healing "in the spirit of Christ" has a dual reference 1) providing physical healing through medical interventions 2) providing spiritual healing through the Word of God.

The SLS Mission Statement addresses the way in which the Society hopes to accomplish its Vision. That is, to provide an open forum that encourages medical professionals to pursue the Christ-centered healing as described in the SLS Vision Statement.

The three adjectives help define the SLS Mission Statement - excellence, compassion and innovation. “Excellence” refers to SLS’s commitment to the delivery of the highest quality healthcare. “Compassion” reflects SLS’s Christian foundation centered on God’s grace and love. And finally, “Innovation” signifies the Society’s commitment to be at the cutting edge of information and technology as they relate to healthcare and its delivery.

The Saint Luke Society hopes to continue expanding its medical ministry in order to equip healthcare providers with the resources needed to help individuals become "holistic" healers.